Thunder Bay (ON)



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Thunder Bay (ON)

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Thunder Bay (ON)

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Thunder Bay (ON)

29 Archival description results for Thunder Bay (ON)

29 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Amerikan Laulajat fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1956 - 2002

An umbrella organization for Finnish male choruses in North America.

The records relate to the organization's administration and finances, and to major events including nine performing tours of Finland and performances in North America.

Member choirs have included:
Chicago: Sibelius Male Chorus
Detroit: Finlandia Male Chorus
Florida: Male Singers of Florida
Los Angeles: Finnish Male Chorus
New York: New Yorkin Laulumiehet
Sault Ste Marie: Sault Finnish Male Chorus "Kaleva"
Sudbury: Sudburyn Laulumiehet
Thunder Bay: Mieskuoro Otava Male Choir
Toronto: Toronton Mieslaulajat
Vancouver: Vancouverin Mieslaulajat

Canadan Uutiset fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1935 - 1975

The correspondence, receipts, newspaper clippings, and several articles of the Canadan Uutiset, a Finnish-language newspaper based in Thunder Bay.

Canadian Federation of University Women, Thunder Bay Chapter fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1932 - 2003

The fonds consists of correspondence, minutes, membership lists, newsletters, photographs and slides, and other various records associated with the activities of the club. Arranged into the following series:

  1. Constitution and Policies
  2. Minutes and Agendas
  3. Reports and Notes
  4. Background Information
  5. Newsletters
  6. Cash Books and Membership Lists
  7. Study Groups
  8. Correspondence
  9. Conferences
  10. Special Projects and Events
  11. Founders Memorial Trust Bursary
  12. Enrichment Nursery School Project
  13. CFUW – National Chapter
  14. CFUW – Ontario Council
  15. Ephemera
  16. Images

Canadian Federation of University Women, Thunder Bay Chapter

Claude Liman fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1961 - 2020

Personal and professional writing of Dr. Claude Liman, professor of English at Lakehead University. His work focused on teaching American Literature, poetry and creative writing at Lakehead.

The contents of his journals include daily life, and reflections on teaching and his career. The letters chronicle his private and professional life, and include correspondence both sent and received.The records also reflect his involvement in sports, particularly skiing, but also golf, cycling, and running.

Records have been arranged into four series: Journals, Letters, Writing, and Teaching.

Daniel H. Coghlan fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1960 - 1968

These papers consist of photographs, certificates, pamphlets, programmes, correspondence, notebooks, memos, balance sheets, and newspaper clippings all relating to Coghlan's insurance business, his numerous careers, political and social involvement, and personal life.

Development of the Faculty of Education at Lakehead University

Series consists of the formation of the Faculty of Education records made and received by the Dean of the Faculty of Education in the course of administering its programs and operations. Activities documented include legal agreements, revised constitutions, bylaws and memorandum of understanding. Records also include policy, administrative and teaching decisions, degree and staffing structure, curriculum and programmes, budgets and correspondence with various universities. Also included are articles and papers on graduate studies in education in the province of Ontario; Teachers’ College and universities assuming responsibility for teacher education and Teachers’ College affiliation with universities; the MacLeod Report is frequently mentioned. Proposals include: reorganization of the student teaching programmes in elementary education; proposed organization of the Faculty of Education. Policy statements include: OCUFA (Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations) statement on amalgamation of Elementary Teachers’ College with the universities.

Transcribed conversation between Dean Angus and President of Lakehead University, December 29, 1969.
An address to the A.P.E.N.W.O conference, Thunder Bay, Ontario, February 21. 1974 entitled Achievements and aspiration: teacher education at Lakehead University

Dr Walter Momot fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1950-2005

Records relate to water quality and fish research in Northwestern Ontario.

In 1986, the International Joint Commission’s Remedial Action Plan for the Great Lakes designated four Canadian areas of concern (AOC) in Lake Superior. The following areas were identified to have water quality impairments, Thunder Bay, Nipigon Bay, Jackfish Bay, and Peninsula Harbour (Marathon, Ontario). Pulp and Paper mills were identified as a major source of pollution. In Thunder Bay, the inventory and assessment projects were initiated as Stage 1 and completed by 1991. Stage 2, remedial strategies, completed in 2004. General issues: unpleasant foam, oily residue, and odour in waterways, high levels of chemicals in sediment and fish, loss of fish and wildlife habitat, impacts to sediment-dwelling organisms, and impacts on fish populations. Specific fish habitat concerns were water quality degradation, loss of wetland, degradation or loss of spawning substrate, and habitat destruction by dredging. Important fish population problems have occurred over time due to fish habitat loss from both physical and chemical changes on Lake Superior and its tributaries.
Many government agencies were involved with Lake Superior remedial action plans including the Ministry of the Environment (MOE), Department of Fisheries Oceans (DFO), Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Lakehead Conservation Authority. Lakehead University was tasked with portions of the fish and fish habitat inventory in Stage 1 and providing an external review of the stage 2 plans for remedial action. Lakehead University sought Dr. Walter Momot, Professor of Ichthyology with this responsibility.

This collection is divided into three series involving the International Joint commissions Remedial Action Plans of the Canadian Portion of Lake Superior.
1) Kaministiquia River Project
a. Kaministiquia River External Reports
2) Northwestern Ontario Fish Inventory Collection
3) Remedial Action Plan Reviews

Further Reading;
• Cullis, Ken I., et al. Fish Community and Aquatic Habitat of the Kaministiquia River, 1987. Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources, 1987.
• Cullis, Ken I., et al. Fish Community and Aquatic Habitat of the Kaministiquia River, 1987. [Thunder Bay Remedial Action Plan], 1990.
• Dean, J. F., et al. Geofisheries: A New Concept for Determining Fish Habitat Suitability as Applied to Brook Trout (Salvelinus Fontinalis). Lakehead University. Dept of Biology, 1991.
• Hartviksen, Connie and Momot, Walter T. Fishes of the Thunder Bay Area of Ontario a Guide for Identifying and Locating the Local Fish Fauna. Thunder Bay Salmon Association. 1987.
• Hartviksen, Connie, and Walter T. Momot. Fishes of the Thunder Bay Area of Ontario: A Guide for Identifying and Locating the Local Fish Fauna. Wildwood Press, 1989.
• Momot, Walter T. Review and Recommendations Concerning Delisting Criteria and Beneficial Use Impairments for the Four North Coast of Lake Superior Areas of Concern. Dept. of Biology, Lakehead University, 2005.
• Momot, Walter T., and S. A. Stephenson. Threespine, Gasterosteus Aculeatus, and Fourspine, Apeltes Auadracus, Sticklebacks in the Lake Superior Basin. 2000.
• Momot, Walter T., and Sam A. Stephenson. Isostatic Rebound and Its Effects on Fish Colonization and Distribution in the Western Lake Superior Basin. National Research Council., 1993.
• Momot, Walter T., et al. Reproductive Guilds of Percids : Results of the Paleogeographical History of Ecological Succession. s.n.], 1977?
• Momot, Walter T., and Sam A. Stephenson. Atlas of the Distribution of Fish within the Canadian Tributaries of Western Lake Superior. Lakehead Centre for Northern Studies, 1996.
• Picard, Christopher Robert, et al. Effectiveness of Using Summer Thermal Indices to Classify and Protect Brook Trout Streams in Northern Ontario?
• Stephenson, Sam A. The distribution of fishes in the Thunder Bay area of northwestern Ontario since deglaciation, with special reference to the darters (Genus Etheostoma) and the Sibley Peninsula. Thesis (M.Sc.)--Lakehead University. 1991
• Stephenson, Sam A., and Walter T. Momot. Sibley Fishes. Lakehead Centre for Northern Studies, 1994.
• Stephenson, Sam A. Food Habits and Growth of Walleye (Stizostedion Vitreum), Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus Dolomieui) and Northern Pike (Esox Lucius) in the Kaministiquia River, Thunder Bay, Ontario. s.n.], 1989.
• "FOR THE RECORD SALMON THREATENED." Globe & Mail [Toronto, Canada], 20 Feb. 1989, p. A12. Canada In Context, Accessed 24 May 2019.

Momot, Walter

Dr. Albert E. Allen fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1921 - 1966

The fonds consists of notes, correspondence, bird observation data, and the natural history journals of Dr. Allen. The fonds contains the following series:
-Dr. A.E. Allen Bird Observations
-Natural History Notes of A.E. Allen
-Dr. A.E. Allen Ephemera

Allen, Albert E.

Dr. James T. Angus fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1966 - 1985

Dr. James T. Angus was the first Dean of Education for Lakehead University.

The fonds consist of Dr Angus’s copies of correspondence, reports, memos, agenda and minutes, and printed material related to the integration of Lakehead Teachers’ College into Lakehead University; establishment of the Faculty of Education; graduate programs in education; program for training Indigenous teachers for First Nations schools in Northwestern Ontario. Activities documented include policy, procedures and programme development, budget planning, proposals, appraisals and surveys; evolution of the faculty’s administrative structure; development of curriculum and delivery of courses.

Angus, James T.

Friends of Grain Elevators fonds

  • Fonds
  • 2008-2015

Voices of the Grain Trade oral history project:
"Our volunteer interview teams in Thunder Bay and Winnipeg did their best to collect voices reflecting all major facets of Canada's international grain trade. As a result, you will find interviews with farmers, researchers, plant breeders, company owners, and railway employees blended in with the stories of grain handlers, inspectors, lake shippers, regulators, builders, marketers, and many more. Our voices are spread from Quebec City to Victoria, with the highest concentrations being from Thunder Bay and Winnipeg."

The records include audio recordings of oral history interviews, accompanied by transcripts and releases.

Gary Genosko collection

  • Collection

Materials related to the architectural history of Lakehead University, as presented at the Thunder Bay Art Gallery.

General Archives collection

  • Collection

Many individual items and small collections have been described as part of the General Archives.

Lakehead University Library Papers / Chief Librarian’s Office

  • Fonds
  • 1928 - 2015

These are the records of the Chief Librarian (University Librarian) of Lakehead University (Lakehead Technical Institute, Lakehead College of Arts, Science, and Technology.)

The records document the management and administration of the Lakehead University Library, including the construction of the Library building, policies, acquisitions, staffing, and more. Correspondence provides insight into the workings of the library during a period of library and academic expansion, computerization and transition.

The Chief Librarian had a significant role as a member of University administration, and participated on Faculty Council, Senate, and numerous committees. Records here reflect those bodies and their work throughout this time period, including proposed and new programs, enrollment, new construction, governance, and long range planning.

The Library's role in partnership with other organizations provincially, nationally, and internationally is also represented. Many libraries were adopting new technologies at this time, which allowed for more communications and cooperation, on projects including computerized cataloguing and inter-library loan.

The time period covered in these records includes major developments and changes within Lakehead University, and in the cultures and technologies of universities and libraries.

Lakehead University fonds

  • Fonds

Lakehead University evolved from the Lakehead Technical Institute (LTI), which was established in 1946. From LTI, Lakehead became the Lakehead College of Arts, Science and Technology in 1956. The Lakehead University Act was given Royal Assent by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario in 1965, and Lakehead University was established. The first degrees granted by Lakehead University were in Arts and Science in 1965.

The Lakehead University fonds includes records of administrative offices and former administrators.

Municipal Elections 2018 Web Collection

  • Collection
  • 2018

Web material related to the 2018 municipal elections in municipalities across Northwestern Ontario.

Sites crawled include those of municipalities, candidates, news sources, and third party groups making endorsements or recommendations.

Municipal Elections 2022 Web Collection

  • Collection
  • 2022

Web material related to the 2022 municipal elections in municipalities across Northwestern Ontario.

Sites crawled include those of municipalities and candidates. Candidate social media accounts include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. All sites are publicly listed as related to the election.

Northern Woman Journal

  • Fonds
  • 1973 - 1997

Northern Woman Journal began as a newsletter covering feminist issues for readers in Northwestern Ontario, and developed into a journal featuring political stories at the location, provincial, national, and international level, fiction and artwork, personal stories, letters and opinions, and information on local events.

The Journal's creation was closely linked to the community of feminists including Margaret Phillips and the management of the Northern Woman Bookstore.

The records include:
A complete run of the Journal from 1973 to 1995
Administrative records, including meeting minutes, correspondence, and accounting
Editorial records, including graphics and submitted pieces
Other related publications

Northern Woman's Bookstore

  • Fonds
  • 1976 - 2016

Correspondence, business documentation, staff resources, photographs, and Literacy Group documents, kept by Margaret Phillips of the Northern Woman's Bookstore, of Thunder Bay, Ontario. The store opened in 1984 and had locations on Bay St. and Court Street, before having to close its physical location in 2016.

Northwestern Ontario Regional Child Care Committee fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1968 - 2000

The Northwestern Ontario Regional Day Care Committee / Child Care Committee operated from the 1970s to the 1990s. The Committee was a grassroots organization made up of child care workers, administrators, parents, and others concerned with the provision of child care in the region. The Committee was engaged in advocacy work, as well as supporting the work of child care centres and professionals.

Records of the Committee include minutes, membership lists, newsletters, correspondence, and other records associated with the advocacy activities of the organisation. Includes correspondence with governments and partner organizations.

Northwestern Ontario Women's Decade Council Herstory Project

  • Fonds
  • 1973-1993

The 1978 Young Canada Works "Herstory" project's aim was to compile material on women pioneers in Northwestern Ontario with the intention of using the material to write a book on the same theme. The hope was to illustrate the lives and achievements of Northwestern Ontario women and stimulate further interest in women's contribution to Northwestern Ontario history.

The material here was collected through interviews with over 100 women around Northwestern Ontario. Records include 70 audio cassettes with taped interviews, recorded largely in 1975, and mostly accompanied by transcripts. The records also contain research notes, news articles and photographs, related to Northwestern Ontario communities and fields of activity relating to women's history. They also include correspondence, reports, financial and other administrative records of the project leaders and workers.

The project work did not continue through to the writing of a book. These records were held but largely untouched until a project review in 1993.

In the Decade Council's 1993 report, three objectives were listed: To validate women’s contributions within the context of NWO; to restore and catalogue the records of women’s lives in NWO; and to create a resource that would provide a perspective on women’s Herstory in NWO. A detailed summary of those interviewed, their location and details on whether there is a transcript or release form were created. This report concluded with multiple recommendations with the aim of preserving the tapes and collected materials for eventual public use. This project was not continued, and the material was stored in various locations until its donation in 2024.

Paul McRae fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1974 - 1984

The correspondence, government employment program material, reports, and minutes for Paul McRae's years as Liberal MP for Fort William and then Thunder Bay-Atikokan. The records cover both national and local issues.

McRae was first elected in 1972, and served four terms in Parliament until 1984.

Pigeon River Lumber Company fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1929 - 1947

Correspondence and papers of the Pigeon River Lumber Company, primarily in the 1930s and 1940s. Includes the original Letters Patent. Many of the records relate to lands in the Township of Pardee.

Results 1 to 25 of 29