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” Presented by the Northern Ontario Womens Decade Council, to Margaret Phillips for her caring, for her support and for her perseverance in working towards resolving women’s issues Northwestern Ontario Womens Decade Council 1976-1986

Those who separate morals and politics will never understand either. “Frieda Moosehunter” Presented by the Northern Ontario Women’s Decade Council, to Margaret Phillips for her caring, for her support and for her perseverance in working towards resolving women’s issues Northwestern Ontario Womens Decade Council 1976-1986

“Northern Development - An overview of Social Consequences with Special Reference to Alcohol Problems” by The Northern Development Research Group Norman Giesbrecht Research Co-ordinator Scott Macdonald and Colleen Hughes Researchers April, 1979

“Northern Development - An overview of Social Consequences with Special Reference to Alcohol Problems” by The Northern Development Research Group Norman Giesbrecht Research Co-ordinator Scott Macdonald and Colleen Hughes Researchers April, 1979

“A Vast and Magnificent Land” Project collection

  • Collection
  • 1982 - 1983

Support material for the production of the book "A Vast and Magnificent Land" by Matt Bray and Ernie Epp. The records consist mainly of copies of images used in the book, with information about the source of each image.

various publications

booklet: “The Caliciales of Boreal North America” by Leif Tibell with a note to Claude Garton written on the cover by Tibell, pages 161-176 of Congrès International de Botanique 1954, article: “Evolution of the Gray’s and Small’s Manual Ranges” by Lloyd H. Shinners, booklet: “The Conservation Authorities Act 1962”, article: “Kew: The Commoners’ Royal Garden” by Thomas Garner James from The National Geographic Magazine”, booklet: “The Origin of Maple Sugar” by James F. Pendergast”

re: Federal 1987/88

This file contains information about Federal responses to child care and advocate responses. Included in the file is a copy of the "National Strategy on Child Care" by Health and Welfare Canada; responses from The National Action Committee on the Status of Women, the Canadian Child Day Care Federation, Margaret Mitchell, MP, Canadian Day Care Advocacy Association, and Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care; the NWORDCC "Response to the Federal Government's National Strategy on Child Care"; wirth research notes


This file contains a copy of the Remarks by The Honourable Frances Lankin Minister of Economic Development and Trade Statement to the Legislature for jobsOntario and a news release from the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs on the Community Development Act.

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