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Sanna Kannasto fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1930 - 1931

Records created and kept by Sanna Kannasto, from the years 1930-1931. Includes minutes of District 6 (Northwestern Ontario) of the Työlais Naisten Liiitto (T.N.L.), Working Women's League, of which Kannasto was secretary. Also includes correspondence; writings on how to run meetings and how to establish a co-operative; and material produced by other organizations such as the Workers' Unity League of Canada.

Sanna Kannasto (1878-1968) was a Finnish socialist organizer and feminist active in Port Arthur and Northwestern Ontario for much of her life. She was associated with the Canadan Suomalainen Järjestö / Finnish Organization of Canada, and travelled, speaking to workers and women across Northwestern Ontario.

These records provide a small window onto Kannasto's activities in 1930-1931. They may have been hidden intentionally due to RCMP interference in her work.

Kannasto, Sanna