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Oscar Styffe fonds
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Scrapbook of mostly newspaper clippings from the Port Arthur newspaper, periodical articles, telegrams and a song: articles on the political, business and economic life in Canada and particularly the forest industry in Northwestern Ontario; articles on politicians C.D. Howe and O. Styffe, a local member of city council for Port Arthur; numerous articles on the Styffe family; obituary on Mrs. Ragna Styffe, wife of O. Styffe; O. Styffe's appointment as Norwegian Vice-Consul at Lakehead; articles on his sons who participated in the war effort; articles on the amalgamation proposal of Port Arthur & Fort William by Premier Hepburn; labour/management articles; numerous articles relating to Norway- article on Sonja Henie, Norwegian skater who became a world champion; articles on Norwegian relief fund in Canada; articles on Hon. C. J. Hambro, former president of the Norwegian parliament & his visit to Port Arthur; articles on Norway's heroic resistance against the Germans; telegrams from his sons overseas assuring of their well-being; a song entitled 'Ski Club Song' sung to the tune of '21 years' with words composed by O. Styffe.

Oscar Styffe fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1929 - 1969

A prominent businessman who operated a timber firm as well as Gravel and Lake Services Ltd in Port Arthur. The collection consists of correspondence, ledgers, scrapbooks, pamphlets and photographs primarily related to the timber industry.

Records are arranged into the following series:

Ledgers 4-9: Wood Deliveries

Wood Deliveries: list contractor, trucker/hauler, dates of delivery, cordage, type of wood hauled, destination for - 1948 (I4), 1949 (I5), 1950 (I6), 1951 (I7), 1955 (I8), 1956 (I9).

Ledgers 27-29: Payroll Accounts

Payroll Accounts for camps, loaders, tugs, etc.: listing name of empoloyee, occupation, days worked, type work, rate, amount for distribution, total earned, deductions, current month's balance, previous month's balance, total to date, pay offs, etc. for: 1937- 1946 (I27), 1947 - 1955 (I28), 1956 (I29).

Ledgers 24-26: Contract Payment Records

Contract Payment Records: list contract no. or camp, payroll no., date, name of contractor or employee, record of earnings, record of deductions, balance etc. for: 1937 - 1938 (I24), 1958 - 1959 (I25), 1959 - 1960 (I26).

Ledgers 21-23: Umfreville Car Wood Shipments

Umfreville Car Wood Shipments (unloaded at Port Arthur, etc) list date of shipment, car no., car initial, town scale, cordage, weight, freight, cheque, unloaded by whirley & hand etc. for: 1948 - 1953 (also includes 'Farmers' ledger with name, date, cordage listed for 1946 - 1948) (I21); 1953 - 1959 (also includes 'Contractors car wood shipments' for 1957 - 1959) (I22); 1961 - 1967 (also includes 'Contractors car wood shipments' for 1959 - 1960) (I23).

Ledgers 16-20: Wood Contracts

Wood Contracts: list contractors (alphabetically), address, date, description of contract or cheque (form payment), folio, debit, credit, balance for: 1944 - 1950 (I16); 1951 - 1955 (I17); 1956 - 1960 (I18); 1961 - 1965 (I19); 1966 - 1969 (I20).

Ledgers 10-15: Check Registers

Check Registers list date, cheque no., name of account (to whom payable), debit & credit in various ledgers, camp payrolls, etc. for - September 30, 1930 - September 30, 1931 (I10); October 1, 1931 - July 23, 1932 (I11); August 2, 1932 - June 1, 1933 (I12); June 1, 1933 - October 1934 (also includes Gravel & Sand sales for April 1935 - March 1936 (I13)); May 1934 - February 1935 (I14); March 1935 - April 1936 (I15).

Ledgers 1-3: Time Books

Time Books: list employees name and time worked for: May 1949 - May 1951 (I1); May 1953 - February 1955 (I2); May 1958 - January 1960 (I3).

Ledger 35: Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings August 1948; includes 8 Jack Hambleton articles as published in the Timmins Press & samples of the 8 stories as published in other newspapers; articles commissioned during campaign of July 20 to September 9, 1948 covering the period leading up to & including contract negotiations between companies and union; PR articles in support of wood operators; companies featured in the articles were Abitibi Power & Paper Co. Ltd., Great Lakes Paper Co. Ltd., Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment, Oscar Styffe Ltd., Spruce Falls Pulp & Paper Co., Woollings Forest Products.

Ledger 34: Township Plans

Township Plans for various townships drawn to scale with legends showing lots, roads, culverts, bridges, etc.; also map of Kaministikwia (1939); townships included are Blake (No. T 118), Booth (T-108), Conmee (T-124), Crooks (T-126), Dawson Road Lots (T-121), Devon (T-120), Forbes (T-113), Fowler (T-104), Gillies (T-119), Goldie (T-109), Jacques (T-100), Lyon (T-110), MacGregor (T-111), McIntyre (T-112), McTavish (T-102), Marks (T-129), Neebing (T-116), Nipigon (T-99), Paiponge (T-114), Pardee (T-117), Pearson (T-125), Sibley (T-106), Stirling (T-105), Strange (T-122), Upsala (T-123), Ware (T-107), Fraleigh, Hardwick/Robbins, Hartington, Jean/Hardwick, Laurie, Ledger, Lismore, Moss P.A. mining division, Purdom, Scoble.

Ledger 31: Wood Scales

Wood Scales, 1934 - 1936; provincial paper scales of rough spruce for 1935; truck scales of wood hauled to #5 dock landing 1934 - 1935; peeled poplar purchased listing date, contractor's name, permit, cordage etc. for 1935 etc.

Ledger 30: Payroll, Contracts, Farmers' Scales

Payrolls, Contracts, Farmers Scales 1930 - 1935; payroll accounts for Camp #8, Port Arthur Landing, Nipigon etc listing name of employee, occupation, rate, earnings, deductions for December 1930 - May 1931; lists of pulpwood purchased 1931 - 1935; trail balance of Oscar Styffe Long Lac special account May 1933 - August 1933 & Farmer's ledger August 31, 1932 - September 1, 1933, etc.

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