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Forest products industry
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Pigeon River Lumber Company fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1929 - 1947

Correspondence and papers of the Pigeon River Lumber Company, primarily in the 1930s and 1940s. Includes the original Letters Patent. Many of the records relate to lands in the Township of Pardee.

Oscar Styffe fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1929 - 1969

A prominent businessman who operated a timber firm as well as Gravel and Lake Services Ltd in Port Arthur. The collection consists of correspondence, ledgers, scrapbooks, pamphlets and photographs primarily related to the timber industry.

Records are arranged into the following series:

Ken Armson slides

  • Collection
  • 1952 - 1995

Photographic slides of various archaeological digs from around the world and in Northwestern Ontario. Slides of various forestry field studies in several regions from 1952-1995. Includes images of trees, equipment, erosion, fire damage, forest management audits, land use, geology, and genetics and tree improvement.

Armson, Kenneth Avery

James Whalen collection

  • Collection
  • 1896 - 1990

The collection consists of photo albums, photographs, newspaper clippings, assets, agreements, stocks, bonds, certificates, correspondence, miscellaneous items, and two videos with the same recording. The collection is composed of three sous-fonds:
-James Whalen
-Laurel Conmee and James Conmee
-Thunder Bay Hydro

Frederick O. Robinson fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1937 - 1963

Frederick O. Robinson was born in Port Arthur, Ontario on Aug. 2, 1903. He attended public and high school in Port Arthur and then served his apprenticeship to the machinist trade in the C.N.R. shops. He worked for 25 years as a skilled machinist in the Port Arthur shops of the C.N.R. until his election to the Ontario legislature in 1943. He continued to work as a C.N.R. machinist between sessions of the legislature, and after his election to the office of mayor, he worked in the C.N.R. shops on weekends.

He entered public life in January 1943 when he was elected to the Port Arthur Board of Education. In August of the same year he was elected to the Ontario legislature as C.C.F. member for Port Arthur. He was M.L.A. for Port Arthur until his defeat in 1951. In civic affairs, he remained on the Board of Education until 1946 when he was elected as alderman. In 1949, he became Mayor of Port Arthur; he remained in this post except for 1952 when he was defeated until 1955 when he resigned to become personnel manager for the Public Utilities Commission. He left active political life at this time. He resigned from the Public Utilities Commission in 1966 because of ill health. In July, 1969, he died.

The Frederick O. Robinson fonds comprises 7 feet of correspondence, clippings, pamphlets, articles and other material and is contained in seventeen transfer cases. The folder titles in the main are those designated by Mr. Robinson. Some re-arrangement of the material has been effected in order to comply with the folder titles. Since the folders themselves were in no apparent order when .they were donated to the university, the following arrangement was thought to be most suitable for research purposes:
I. Pre-1943 Period
II. Political Affairs (relating to the C.C.F.)
III. The Ontario Legislature and Provincial Affairs, 1943-51
IV. Provincial and Local Affairs.
V. Local and Municipal Affairs.
VI. General
VII. Miscellaneous

Forestry Booklets

  • Collection
  • 1945 - 1946

Two instructional booklets written by A. Koroleff:
"Forest Conservation: Practical Pointers to Woods Workers," published by the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, 1945
"Practical Woodlot Management: How To Use The Forest Soundly and Profitably," published by the Canadian Forestry Association, 1946

Faculty of Natural Resources Management Maps

  • Collection

A collection of forest resource maps and fire management maps covering Northwestern Ontario.

Box 1
Fire Management Map. Northwest Region, East Half, South Part.
Dog River - Matawin forestry maps.
Hazenberg Forest Resources Inventory maps.
Trout Lake FMA - CPFP. Red Lake.
Sioux Lookout Management Unit
Fire Management Map. Northwestern Region, South.
Lake Nipigon Forest.
Pakwash-Patricia FMAs. Boise Cascade. Kenora.
Rainy Lake & Rainy River M.O. Fort Frances.
Red Lake CMU.
Seine River Forest M.U. Fort Frances - Boise.

Box 2
Manitou Forest M.U. Fort Frances - Boise.
Minaki M.U. Kenora.
English River - Upsala. CPFP.
Ignace - CPFP - English River
Lac Seul M.U.
Fire Management Map. Northwest Region, East Half, South Part.
Atikokan District.
Canadian Pacific Forest Products.
Fire Management Map. Northwest Region, West Half, South Part.
Dog River - Mattawin. CPFP. Thunder Bay.
Black Sturgeon.