- File
- 1953
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Brochures, catalogues, advertisements, price lists and auction sale notices for equipment, tools and supplies used by pulpwood and lumbering operations. 1953.
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Brochures, catalogues, advertisements, price lists and auction sale notices for equipment, tools and supplies used by pulpwood and lumbering operations. 1953.
46-5 Business Correspondence "S" - Timber Purchases, Employee Issues
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Letters between Mr. Thomas C. Short and Oscar Styffe Limited re possible purchase of timber from Mr. Short's acreage, 1953. Letters between Stead & Lindstrom Limited, Fort William and Oscar Styffe Limited re quotations for lumber, 1953. Employee requests for income tax slips (T4), 1953. Letters between Starratt Transportation Limited, Hudson, Ontario and Oscar Styffe Limited re various matters concerned with payment of certain flights during January to March 1953. Letter to St. Anselme Foundry from Oscar Styffe Limited re their Marvelex Planer, January 29, 1953. Telegrams between Sovereign film Distributors re borrowing of films, January 1953.
46-16 United States Consulate General, Upper Canada Lumber Company
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Letters to the United States Consulate General, Winnipeg, Manitoba in connection with employees wishing to visit the United States, 1953. Letter to Upper Canada Lumber Company, Toronto, Ontario providing quotations on milling rates at Oscar Styffe's planing mill in Port Arthur, Ontario, January 1953.
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Quote on Northern dry poplar lumber delivered to H. D. Varlie & Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1953.
46-31 Abitibi Power and Paper Company, Ltd.
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Correspondence between Abitibi Power and Paper Company, Limited, Port Arthur, Ontario and Oscart Styffe Limited re the exchange of tie blocks and spruce pulpwood, March 1954. Information concerning the need for and difficulty in obtaining paid advertising in Bush News. Letters between Abitibi Power and Paper Company, Limited and Oscar Styffe Limited re the agreements for the shipment spruce and jack pine wood to Abitibi, 1954. Correspondence between Abitibi Power and Paper Company, Limited and Oscar Styffe Limited concerning the inauguration of Abitibi's Woodlands Laboratory, 1954.
46-34 Applications for Employment
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Applications for employment with Oscar Styffe Limited during 1954, giving name of applicant, position desired and address and/or phone number. Some have notations added by Oscar Styffe personnel. 1954.
46-36 Barnett-McQueen Company Ltd
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Quotations on specified types and sizes of lumber as requested by Barnett-McQueen Company Limited, Engineers and Contractors, Fort William, Ontario for 1954.
46-37 Inventories, Telephone Services, Employee Issues
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Letter from Oscar Styffe Limited to F.H. Black & Co., Chartered Accountants, Port Arthur, Ontario concerning inventories of pulpwood and lumber as of December 31, 1953, dated May 13, 1954. Correspondence with The Bell Telephone Company of Canada, North Bay, Ontario concerning telephone service at Umfreville, Ontario. Correspondence with the Hudson's Bay Company, Hudson on behalf of Mr. Dave Bunting and Mr. Charlie Bull who worked for a short time at Umfreville for Oscar Styffe Limited. Correspondence in connection with various employee matters, such as current addresses, recommendations, etc. 1954.
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Copies of Bush News v. 3, no 2-5, 7-8 and 10 and v. 4, no. 1, 1954.
47-3 Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
The Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce Chamber Briefs, May 1954. Agenda and propsed budget for 1954 for a meeting of the Industrial Committee of the Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce, February 15/53. Report No. 13 of the Civic Industrial Board, Dec. 18, 1953. 1953-1954.
47-6 Pulpwood Production Progress Report
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Completed Progress Report - Pulpwood Production forms for the Department of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, Ontario for January to December 1954.
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Correspondence concerning the cruising of lands under license to Canada Ore Lands plus a map of the areas, June 15, 1954.
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Correspondence and orders for lumber from Davis Lumber Company, St. Catharines, Ontario for 1954.
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
During 1954 Mr. John Styffe served as the Acting Vice-Consul for Denmark and the contents of this folder concerns the business connected with this position such as correspondence concerning obtaining or renewing passports and visas; correspondence concerning individuals such as Mr. John Mahrt (Mart) Deceased, Mr. Allan Bjorn Pinner and Ejvind William Jensen; list of fees in Danish and Canadian currency for various services. 1954.
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Correspondence with the Department of Labour, Canada concerning delinquent immigrants Geo. Breier, Geo. Fulesi and Josef Buza. 1954.
47-19 Department of Lands and Forests
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Notes on a meeting of the White Paper Committee with the Department of Lands and Forests, August 24, 1954. Land Use Permit for an all weather road in Harrington Township and in Hardwick Township. Final Scaler's Report with completed Scaler's Return forms for Harrington Township for the 1953-54 season. Notice of Sale of Timber in the Loch Erne Area of Haines Township by the Department of Lands and Forests, Toronto, Ontario, June 16, 1954. Annual meeting (April 30, 1954) and Section Activities (1953-54) of the Canadian Institute of Forestry, Northwestern Ontario Section. Correspondence with the District Forester, Department Lands and Forests, Sioux Lookout, Ontario concerning fire fighting resources in the Sioux Lookout Forest District. 1953 Annual Project Summary of the Northwestern Ontario Committee on Co-ordinated Research, March 1954. Letter to the Regional Forester, Department of Lands and Forests, Port Arthur, Ontario concerning information on cutting hardwood on a portable mill. 1953-1954.
47-24 Ontario Department of Mines
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Correspondence with the Ontario Department of Mines concerning mining tax assessments on property owned by Oscar Styffe Limited. 1954.
47-30 Department of Lands and Forests
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Correspondence with the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, Toronto, Ontario concerning a meeting in connection with reforestation on unlicensed lands in Northern Ontario. Permission for Mr. Charles Doman, Fort William, Ontario to go to Camp 2, Silver Islet to demonstrate Pioneer and Homelite Power Saws. Letters of recommendation for some employees. 1954.
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Correspondence with Mr. Oliver Greer, Phoenix, Arizona concerning licences, contracts obtained and hoped for, and the general state of business for the Umfreville operation, 1954.
47-41 H.N. Hawes & Sons, Diamond Drill Contractors
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Correspondence with Mr. H. N. Hawes of H. N. Hawes & Sons, Diamond Drill Contractors, Kenora, Ontario concerning the "Enterprise" areas in McTavish Township, June 1954.
47-43 Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Correspondence with the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario concerning the payment by Mr. Sam A. Carlson of easement rights on certain property in McTavish Township owned by Oscar Styffe Limited, 1954.
47-47 Correspondence "H" - Supplies, Legal Issues, Fuel
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Letter to Hardinge Bros. of Canada Limited, Toronto, Ontario concerning the Detex Watchman's Clock received from them, February 5, 1954. Copy of Report on Conditions Regarding Bush Horses in Sault Ste Marie and Algoma District. Correspondence with J. M. Hawkins Lumber Co., Limited, Manufacturers and Wholesalers, Toronto, Ontario concerning the supplying of railway track ties for a European customer, February - March 1954. Correspondence with Hughes, Agar, Amys, Steen & Bassel, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Toronto, Ontario concerning Mr. Lauri Romu, April, 1954. Correspondence with Mr. Maylor Hayne, Fort William, Ontario concerning the Enterprise Mine, May 1954. Letter to Husky Oil & Refining Limited, Fort William, Ontario concerning an agreement with Oscar Styffe Limited to handle gas and oil from them as an industrial account, December, 1954.
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Letters to the Imperial Bank of Canada concerning a change in signing authorities for Oscar Styffe Limited, January 7, 1954. Letter from the Imperial Bank of Canada concerning a new form 167B, July 20, 1954.
47-51 Weekly Record of Timber Operations
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Completed copies of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests Weekly Record of Timber Operations for January to December 1954.
47-59 Lumbermen's Safety Association
Part of Oscar Styffe fonds
Information from the Northwestern Ontario Safety Committee of the Lumbermen's Safety Association to the Directors at the meeting June 5, 1953. Minutes of the Northwestern District Lumbermen's Safety Association Accident Prevention Committee meetings from its inception November 1952. Analysis of 220 accidents reported from five member companies. Staff Club for Accident Prevention. Copy of Survey of Foot Injuries in Woods Operations, September 1, 1953. Text of address by Mr. E.E. Sparrow, Chairman, Workmen's Compensation Board, Ontario Joint Meeting of Lumbermen's Safety Association and Ontario Pulp and Papermakers Safety Association, January 30, 1953. 1953-1954.