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Margaret Phillips fonds
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15 Poems

For Margaret February 2011 15 poems from the last 15 years to mark 15 years since I first set foot in the Northern Woman’s Bookstore! Erin

Anishinabe Honor Roll of Gratitude We, the Anishinabe Nations within Treaty #3 exercising our God given right to determine our relationship with all other peoples on earth; And believing that the Creator has ordained certain people to contribute their courageous spirit and commitment to the recognition of the rights of the Anishinabe; We, therefore, consecrate in solemn gratitude: Margaret Phillips Harry Shankowsky Jack K. Doner Daniel G. Hill Harold Treen Julian Wilson A. Alan Borovoy Lucille Burton Lassie Malowany Gerald Degagne And their families into the honour roll of outstanding contribution to the cause of the Anishinabe Nations and the people of Treaty #3 as rendered in the Historic March of 1965 at Kenora, Ontario. May your hearts, souls and spirits soar with the Sacred Eagle in the presence of the Creator. Meegwetch! The Anishinabe of Treaty #3 March 21, 1991

Anishinabe Honor Roll of Gratitude We, the Anishinabe Nations within Treaty #3 exercising our God given right to determine our relationship with all other peoples on earth; And believing that the Creator has ordained certain people to contribute their courageous spirit and commitment to the recognition of the rights of the Anishinabe; We, therefore, consecrate in solemn gratitude: Margaret Phillips Harry Shankowsky Jack K. Doner Daniel G. Hill Harold Treen Julian Wilson A. Alan Borovoy Lucille Burton Lassie Malowany Gerald Degagne And their families into the honour roll of outstanding contribution to the cause of the Anishinabe Nations and the people of Treaty #3 as rendered in the Historic March of 1965 at Kenora, Ontario. May your hearts, souls and spirits soar with the Sacred Eagle in the presence of the Creator. Meegwetch! The Anishinabe of Treaty #3 March 21, 1991

Arizona Grand Canyon

Travel photos from Grand Canyon trip

1 postcard to Misses M + R Fuller

48 Photos

Descriptions on the back of select photos:
-Scottsville - on way back from Sears, Scottsville Rd/Mar 29/95
-Sedona - Arizona
-Marshall Way - Scottsville - Mar. 28/95
-“Lost Dutchman’s State Park - on way to Superstition Mountains on way to Canyon Lake Mar. 25/95
-Hospitality Suites Resort - Scottsdale - Arizona
-Grand Canyon - Arizona - Mar. 21/95
-Arizona - on Route to Claresville - River Verde Tour - March 23/95
-Verde River Canyon Tour Mar 23/95
-Botanical Gardens - Scottsville Mar. 27/95
-Botanical Gardens - Scottsdale - March 27/95
-Grand Canyon - Arizona Mar. 21/95
-Intersection Marshall Way + Fifth Ave Scottsville Mar. 28/95
-Scottsville Rd - Accross from Sears - Mar. 29/95
-Kitty Corner From or Unit - Hospitality Resorts - Scottsville Mar 24/95
-Swimming Pool - Bar - B - Que’s - Picnic Tables - Hop - Resorts Mar. 29/95
-Lemon Tree over fence at Hosp. Resorts - Mar 29/95
-Botanical Gardens - Scottsville - Mar. 27/95
-Taken from Train on Verde River Canyon Tour March 23/95
-Botanical Gardens - Scottsville Mar. 27/95
-Church Lookout - Sedona - Arizona Mar. 21/95
-Sedona - Arizona - March 21/95
-Canyon Lake Cruise Arizona
-Red River Canyon - March 23/95


Awards, certificates, and other tokens of accomplishment and appreciation given to Margaret Phillips over her life time.

Behaviour Therapies

Book photocopy - Disordered Behaviour - Self-control procedures in personal behaviour problems - Israel Goldiamond

Book photocopy - American Psychologist - The Discontent Explosion in Mental Health - Charles Hersch Cambridge Mental Health Centre, Cambridge, Massachusetts

The Interrelationship of Content and Process in Therapy Groups - Elsa Leichter

Book Photocopy - Journal of Psychiatric Nursing - July-August 1966 The Atascadero Story - Lawrence K. McNaught

Book Photocopy - The Canadian Psychologist Vol. 7a, No. 2 April, 1964 - S. H. Lovibond University of Adelaide

Book Photocopy - Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour Volume 6, Number 3 July, 1963 - A Comparison of Several Procedures for Eliminating Behavior W. C. Holz and N. H. Azrin Anna State Hospital, Anna, Illinois

Book of Remembrance McGarry Family Chapels

In Memory of Margaret Fuller Born February 18, 1914 Died December 15, 2005 Place of Service Hulse, Playfair & McGarry service conducted by Reverend Doug Kendall
-correspondence regarding: cemetery May 7, 1957

Envelope Mr. George Riley
-Estate of the Late Miss Bridget Alice Riley An Account of the Estate of the above deceased who died on the 14th day of February 1953 and to whose estate Letters of Administration were granted out of the Principal Probate Registry on the 10th day of December 1953 to Mrs. Franny Gregson the Administratrix.
-Estate of the Late Miss Susanne Riley An account of the Estate of the above Deceased who died on the 15th day of February, 1953 and to whose Estate Letters of Administration were granted out of the Principal Probate on the 10th day of December, 1953 to Mrs. Fanny Gregson the Administratrix.
-Bellevue Cemetery Company Aylmer, Quebec Rules and Regulations 1955
-correspondence regarding: Estate of the late Miss B. A. Riley
-correspondence regarding: Estate of the late Miss Susannah Riley 24th March, 1954
-Form of Receipt Estate of the Late Bridget Alice Riley
-Hull, March 24th. 1956 Acknowledgment and Undertaking By The Hull Cemetery Company and Mr. George Riley

-The first day of August one thousand eight hundred and ninety eight years. I baptized Janet Louisa Riley, daughter, born on the ninth day of March of the same year of the lawful marriage of George Riley and Margaret Ramsey his wife of the City of Hull Province of Quebec. Jessie G. Scott as well as the parents have signed with me as witnesses

correspondence regarding: receipt

Aylmer High School Aylmer East. Que Report of Ruth Fuller Grade III Month of June 1926

Aylmer High School Aylmer East. Que Report of Ruth Fuller Grade II Month of June 1925

Aylmer High School Aylmer East. Que Report of Ruth Fuller Grade II a Month of June 1924

Canada Registration Board This certificate must always be carried upon the person of the registrant this is to certify that Mr. W. J. Fuller residing at Aylmer East P. s.was duly registered for the national purposes of Canada this 22 day of June 1918

Newspaper Clippings - Aylmer High School Pupils Who Passed Examinations June 1931

Canada Registration Board This certificate must always be carried upon the person of the registrant this is to certify that Mrs. Margaret Riley Fuller residing at Aylmer East P. s.was duly registered for the national purposes of Canada this 22nd day of June 1918

Aylmer High School Aylmer East, Que Report of Margaret Fuller Grade IV Month of June 1925

Aylmer High School Aylmer East, Que Report of Margaret Fuller Grade III Months of Sept - June 1923 - 4

Envelope - Mrs. Fuller Birth Certificate
-correspondence regarding: The twenty eighth day of July one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven we the undersigned minister of the gospel have baptized Margaret-Riley daughter of George Riley and Margaret Ramsay Riley, born of lawful marriage on the eighteenth of January eighteen hundred and eighty seven. The father and the mother have signed with us.

Envelope - After Ten Days Return to Hull Cemetery company Hull, Que
-Hull cemetery bills

Singer Manufacturing Co. Turkestan Historical Information

Singer Manufacturing Co. Würtemburg Historical Information

Singer Manufacturing Co. Wales Historical Information

Envelope - Mrs. Margaret Fuller
-Re: Estate of George Riley
-correspondence regarding: Late Father's estate

Re: Estate of George Riley

correspondence regarding: Late Father's estate February 27th, 1963

correspondence regarding: Estate Mrs. H, Daisy Phillips July 21, 1964

correspondence regarding: Late Father’s estate February 21st, 1963

Marriage Certificate This Certifies That on the ninth day of November 1911 The Rite of Holy Matrimony was duly solemnized by me between William John Fuller of the township of south Hull County of Wright Province of Quebec and Margaret Riley of the township of south Hull County Wright Province of Quebec and Dominion of Canada Witness my hand this ninth day of November 1911

Sept. 4th 1957 Acknowledgment and Undertaking by Bellevue Cemetery Company Re Cemetery Plot of Mrs. W J. Fuller

Envelope - Miss Janet Riley
-Hulse and Playfair Funeral Directors name of deceased George Riley

Brief to Sweeny

Newspaper Article Photocopies: Retraction The Chronicle Journal 2001, Abuse Line Being Explained October 4, 2001, Laid-off worker questions hotline Province - wide system aims to help victims of domestic abuse by Ward Holland the Chronicle - Journal Friday Oct. 5/2001

Correspondence Regarding: Women’s Shelter hotlines, Faye Peterson House, helping the shelter, Laid off worker questions hotline? In response to the news from the Chronicle Journal from October 5, 2001, Response to the “In response to the news from the Chronicle Journal from October 5, 2001,legal consequences from writing on behalf of the Shelter House,from 10 January, 1990, and the Royal Commission on Reproductive Technology 1990

In Fertile Ground: Women Creating Reproductive Freedom Video, produced by Women’s Health Interaction in 1988, Adaptation of script.

Rethinking the Population Problem

On the Question of The Reproductive Right: A Personal Reflection Farida Akhter Finrrage - Ubining Conference of 1989

Articles from Healthsharing Fall, 1987 - Injunction against injectable birth control, Ultra Absorbent diapers, The Ties that Bind: Women and Footwear Anne Rochon Ford

Gabriela Women’s Update A Quarterly Newsletter of the Gabriela - National Women’s Coalition. Philippines Vol. IV No. 2 April-June 1988

A Primer on Gabriela Gabriela General Assembly Binding Women for Reforms, Integrity. Equality, Leadership and Action

Women’s International Bulletin 28 ISIS International Women and New Technology Conference September 1983

Population Policies and Programs: A Feminist Assessment Plenary Address, November 5, 1990 Sixth International Women and Health Meeting University of the Philippines Quezon City, Metro Manila Philippines Betsy Hartmann, Director Population and Development Program Hampshire College Amherst, Massachusetts

Newspaper Articles Photocopies: Anti - progestins - a controversial new approach Dr Joseph Speidel, President of the Population Crisis Committee reports People Vol. 15, No. 4, 1988, Interview: Prof. E-E Baulieu ‘My hopes for RU - 486 People Vol. 17 No. 3, 1990, Digest French Trials of RU 486 Find 96 Percent Abortion Rate in Pregnancies of Less Than Seven Weeks, Family Planning Perspectives May/June 1990

Women and Pharmaceuticals (Working Title) The Play

Women’s Health Interaction Resources Pricelist

Article - Let’s Pu Science Under a Microscope Reprinted from the Globe and Mail August 28, 1990 by Ursula M. Franklin

Brief Reading List

International Conference on Reproductive and Genetic Engineering and Women’s Reproductive Health Comila, Bangladesh, March 18 - 25, 1989

IVF and the Population Problem [Made in India, a Dossier on the New Reproductive Technologies”, Lakshmi Lingam. Women’s Studies Unit, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay, 1989]

Bibliography [from “In fertile Ground”, Women’s Health Interaction 1986]

A Primer on Gabriela - Gabriela General Assembly Binding Women for Reforms, integrity, Equality. Leadership and Action

Women Creating Reproductive Freedom Challenges and Dilemmas: A Critique of Population Control - Afternoon plenary, reports of the four working groups. Ottawa, June 1991

15 October, 1990 - Finrrage-Ubinig Regional Meeting 1990 Bulletin Khabar Women Uniting Against Exploitation Women’s Health: In the Context of Reproductive Technologies and Genetic Engineering - Finrrage-Ubinig Meeting 1990 Asian & Pacific Region

Poster - Growing with the Green

Ubinig Policy Research for Development Alternative

Past-Conference Issue Conference Khabar April 5, 1989 Comilla, Bangladesh Finrrage-Ubinig International Conference 1989

Conference Khabar Bulletin of the Finrrage-Ubinig Conference 1989 21 March, 1989 Number Three

Conference Khabar Bulletin of the Finrrage-Ubinig Conference 1989 19 March, 1989 Number One

Conference Khabar Bulletin of the Finrrage-Ubinig Conference 1989 24 March, 1989 Number Five

Conference Khabar Bulletin of the Finrrage-Ubinig Conference 1989 10, March,1989 Number Two

Mid Conference Issue Conference Khabar 25 March, 1989 Comilla, Bangladesh Finrrage-Ubining International Conference 1989
Finrrage [About page]

Canadian Council of Social Development Women and Pensions Fact Sheets

Bill of Rights for Contraceptive research, development and use

Local Community Research Methodology A Discussion Paper for Social and Economic Policy Alternatives Committee Solidarity Coalition by Diana Ellis, Committee Member Gene Errington, Committee Member November 29, 1983

Declaration by the Women of Ontario December 6, 1995

Enclosed: Submissions to the Honourable Dianna Cunningham, Minister for Women’s Issues Re: Response to the Framework for Action On The Prevention of Violence Against Women in Ontario - Phase I Final Report February 1997

Northern Women’s Decade Council Submission to the Honourable Dianne Cunningham on the Prevention of Violence Against Women in Ontario - Phase I Final Report February 28, 1997

The Exclusion of Women from Economic Planning Women Against the Budget from: The Other MacDonald Report lorimer 1985

Count yourself in May 14th count Your Unpaid Work Census 1996

Woman Suffrage in Canada 2 Ontario the Pioneer Catherine L. Cleverdon

Work is Work - Census 96

Charlotte Bunch Director, Centre for Global Issues and Women’s Leadership, USA from: Violence Against Women: A Development and Human Rights Issue MATCH International Centre March 9, 1991

Northwestern Ontario Women’s Decade council Presentation to Federal/Provincial/ Territorial CPP Consultations on the Canada Pension Plan from: Northwestern Ontario Women’s Decade Council April 22, 1996

Women’s Rights as Human Rights by Charlotte Bunch from Women’s Health Journal/No. 19/July-August-Sept. 1990


Permanent Municipal Recreation Director's Certificate, Type A, awarded August 25, 1959
American Institute of Park Executives, Inc, certificate of election to Fellow, awarded April, 1960
NWOPRS Recreation Certificate -- a parody certification, 1985
Thunder Bay Parks & Recreation Award of Appreciation, awarded April 27, 1987

Child Care

Correspondence, documents, and reference material regarding child care and day care policy and developments.

Results 1 to 25 of 440